Look Who's Talking!
***** LANGUAGE ALERT****** If'n you are easily or not so easily offended, you may want to skip this blog post. Boy Scout felt strongly about purchasing wood for the fireplace. He had only a couple of "must have's" for our new home and a fireplace was one. I didn't give a whit. I find them to be dirty and smelly. He lucked out. The new place has one and the following is my secondhand recap of his wood buying experience. He gets directions from a few people as to where he can find "Paul". Pointing lower and lower, they tell him to go down to the house. Venturing further until he finds it, the stereotypical homestead of the good ole boy. There are shells of cars, empty campers rusting out, tires and debris of every kind littering the property. Knocking on the door, he spies a very young woman cleaning near the window. She beckons him in. The house is somewhat of a hoarders house...it's bad. She points him to the room where Paul is sitting. He's in...