A New Day

Yesterday’s interview was just plain gross. It was held in a strange spot. It was unprofessional. The two people that did the interview, in an old messy room, were rough around the edges and in charge of running a couple of nursing homes. They were in over their heads and trying to replace a bookkeeper who had no idea what she was doing. 

The position is in an old house the houses 17 patients. It calls for a full charge bookkeeper, HR, and office manager, all for $25.00 an hour. Why don’t they throw in tight rope walker and patient hair dresser to the list?  

I’m not good in medical situations to begin with. If they had told me what business they were in I would have skipped it. But they would not divulge the nature of the business even when pressed. I thought maybe cannabis distribution or sales. I would have much preferred that. 

On the bright side, I rocked the interview by knowing far more about accounting than either of them. Like I said, they are in over their heads.  

It’s a new day with a second  interview with a CPA firm. 

My tiara is adjusted, my boots are tied snug, my gown is clean and pressed. 

Happy Friday. 


  1. Wishing you good luck with the CPA firm interview!

  2. Hope all goes well with your interview at the CPA firm!

  3. I'm glad the interview went well and boosted your self confidence. As for the last job interview, why wouldn't they want someone with a lot of experience? That's so short sighted.

  4. Good luck! Here's hoping they see all you have to offer!

  5. So, if they offered it to you, what would you do?


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