Once In A Lifetime

I’ve finally gone over to the dark side. 

I had honestly never heard of it when it showed up in our town. No telling what rock I was hiding under but that was 8 years ago and now I know too much. All the years of long lines never once made me think, “Hey, I should go give it a try”.

The night I am speaking of we were just tired, hungry and a little bit punchy. Living in a new area and not having yet established any “go to’s”, we were at a loss to find something. I said to the Boy Scout, “Let’s  make a pact. Whatever one we come across next, that will be where we stop.” We fist bump and keep going. All the sudden he starts laughing hysterically, having a hard time catching his breath. I look at the direction he is looking and there, in all its glory, is………….Chick-fil-a. What was I suppose to do, we bumped. 

We get in the looooong line and wait our turn, order our food and finally drive off to find a cool spot to sit. For the life of me, I cannot fathom what in the heck people are waiting in those lines for. It was gross. My curiosity is sated. Never again, not even on a fist bump. I will choose to renege. 

Once was definitely enough. 


  1. We avoid Chik-fil-a on principle, too, so this made me laugh. The few times I've eaten there, I also wondered why people love it so much. It's certainly not worth waiting in the long lines that are always there!

  2. Glad it was gross and you won't go back. Chick-fil-a is a right-wing corporation that is a major donor to anti-gay causes and is widely boycotted in the LGBTQ+ community.

  3. Lol. I have never seen one of those places. Now I know what to do if I ever do see one!

  4. Yes, for so many reasons definitely keep driving past that place next time.

  5. I haven’t had a mc d for months now x

  6. I have never eaten at one of those places. Now I know that this is a very good thing for many reasons! :-)

  7. Glad you survived and learned a good lesson. :)


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