
Woke to this interesting wet stuff that has been so rarely seen at my other home that I almost forgot what to call it. I have always loved it. I hope I never tire of it even while in a place of abundance. 

We need to relearn life with a dog in Portland. Teeny tiny apartment + big wet dog = muddy carpet. We will figure it out.  

Still I will greet the new day in my usual spot, practicing my meditation, getting in touch with my feelings, remembering to breathe, experiencing wonder at the beauty, and working on good self talk. Today is not guaranteed. I will rejoice and be glad in it.  

Happy Saturday to you. 

Not sure why, but it is a big No/No to have an umbrella in Portland. A sure sign you are a tourist. Boy Scout took it to heart. The dog? She has no problem with the rain.


  1. Enjoy the rain. If you embrace the wet days, they are so much more pleasant. We’ve had a lot of them this summer.

    1. Summer and rain have never gone together in my first 58 years. I welcome a change.

  2. There is never a shortage of rain. We used to have a dog who hated the rain and probably expected an umbrella when we went out in it. :) Never had one of those, you occasionally see someone walking with one blown inside out because of the wind. :)

  3. living in a rainy city without an umbrella seems foolish. In Vancouver there are tons of umbrellas, only the tourists don't have umbrellas. People are weird.

    1. Just the opposite of us. Your's makes a lot more sense but, as you say, people are funny. Cheers. Hope the dark clouds are lifting.

  4. I'm so glad you love the rain. Me too! It's pouring here as I type this. Yay! Love seeing the Boy Scout and doggie out enjoying a Portland day.

  5. I never get enough of rainy days! Love them! Good thing, because we get plenty of them here. Umbrellas don't usually help much here because of the wind. We've seen many people carrying their inside-out umbrellas :-) Great that the dog is fine with the rain. We had a sled dog who hated rain. She would wait as long as she could before going outside and when she couldn't put it off anymore, she would dash out, do her business and dash back in as fast as she could.

    1. Oh my! A sled dog that hates that rain? Isn't that a kick! My frenchie despised it and did about the same but with an occasional "accident" when she waited too long. I think it may have been intentional to let us know her displeasure.

  6. Ah, rain! Get used to it! Yay! Do visit Marilyn. She just did a post on Delights of the Heart about her wonderful realtor. Maybe a good realtor, if you don't already have one, can help you find the right spot! And this one came with a high recommendation!

  7. It took 1 full year until I was anointed with the Teflon coating. Heaven forbid you use an umbrella or as called in Seattle, bumbershoot. They mocked and laughed at me. So I tried no umbrella to fit in. Then I always looked like wet dog. How did their hair stay dry? How did rain just roll off them like teflon? At the anniversary of my arrival, I too, could go outside with no covering above me and my hair was never wet. Truly a PNW phenon!!😁 you will get there.


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