Moving Forward Again!

Did I mention that we bought a house? We did and it closes on the 1st. Yippee!

It's in a suburb of Portland in a city called Milwaukie. The previous owners were a couple that bought the house a long time ago. He just passed away from COVID at 89 and she is in a facility. According to neighbors, they were an unusual pair that hiked, worked and scuba'd right up until the end. They had 4 children but only two survive. The house was cared for but not much updated (truthfully, not at all updated).

It's a plain little ranch style house but we have vision.

Pretty sure the flooring is original.
The cabinets are definitely original and the dishwasher started smoking when started.
It's the lot we fell in love with.

We will soon own a small cedar grove and a little ranch house. I am over the moon and can't wait to move in. 

We start on Friday, get the two Pods shipped on Tuesday and we will play the rest by ear. Boy Scout's plantar fasciitis is giving him a lot of grief so we may have to take it easy, or rather, act our age. Apartment life has been kind of fun but we are ready to get settled and Scruffy is ready to have a yard again.

This has been a balm during a time where I am still adapting to life without my community. While Boy Scout has started to build his (and rather quickly), I am a slow burner on relationships. It takes me awhile to figure out just how much effort I want to put in and whether we are or are not kindred spirits. I'm old enough to know that all I need is a few of those and my soul will be content. 


  1. It looks wonderful and you will soon put your personal style on it. Congratulations, Linda!

  2. Congratulations! It's a lovely house and the yard is amazing.

  3. Perfect! And what a beautiful yard! Congrats! I hope you'll all be very happy in your new home!

  4. Wonderful! I am so happy for you! The lot is gorgeous! We lived in Milwaukie for a year back in the late 80s, after we moved from New Hampshire, then we bought our first house in southeast Portland. I'm sure it has changed a whole lot since then, but I have really fond memories of that year. I wish you much joy, happiness, inner peace, and love in your new home. Congratulations!

    I hope Boy Scout feels better soon.

  5. Congratulations! What a beautiful home you found there. Love the big green beautiful space too. Wow! So happy for you!

  6. Congratulations, Linda. As Shari mentioned we lived there for a year. We lived on Lake Road, they had some apartment complex there. It was nice and the town was too. Enjoy your new place as you create your new memories. Best to you!

    1. We are about 100 yards off of Lake Rd. Small world Bill.

  7. I am elated for you! I love that long kitchen counter opening up into the other room and the wood floors look wonderful. And what a great lot. Three cheers -- best news!

    Has the Boy Scout tried custom orthotics (not Dr. Scholl but ones made specifically for his feet by a pedorthist? They have saved my foot from plantar and the heel spurs that accompany it. Also, sitting that heal on an ice pack or bag or rolling it over a plastic bottle of frozen water. Doesn't cure it but I think it helps with the inflamation. Good luck with that -- I know how painful it can be.


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