Like Money In The Bank

I needed a new bank. My former bank in California is not up here in the Pacific Northwest.

I went into Umpqua Bank mostly because they are all over Portland. I went to the counter and they quickly got me to Qui (Pronounced Oy) who helped me open and log into my new checking. He was a soft spoken young man but worked hard to be heard. I would gently asked him to repeat some things but I heard most of what he said despite mask.  

After finishing our business he introduced me to the branch manager, Mirabelle. She asked how the service was and mentioned that she overheard me telling Oy that I was hard of hearing. She turned the branch music off to accommodate. I can’t tell you how impressed I was. I can’t tell you how background music is the enemy of most HOH’s.  It makes most restaurants miserable and phone calls impossible. 

We are off to a good start. 

Ps. I asked Oy if people are constantly saying Oy vey to him. He did a facepalm and shook his head. And apparently Russians say it as an interjection, ouch!, oops! or Oh! And, of course, the brits use it to get someone’s attention. I would consider adopting a nickname but he persists. 


  1. If I saw his name on a name tag, I would call him Key until he told me the difference, the French word for Who.

    I didn’t realize the problem for the HOH with background music. The face masks certainly don’t help either.

  2. I have hearing issues and never realized that background music added to the problems. I will remember that. Really very kind of that branch manager to turn the music off.

  3. I hate background music as well. It causes me stress and makes it harder to hear as well. It's a low level stressor that makes everything worse.

  4. That is remarkable customer service. Well done, manager!

  5. Very cool that you had such a good experience!


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