Look Who's Talking!
***** LANGUAGE ALERT******
If'n you are easily or not so easily offended, you may want to skip this blog post.
Boy Scout felt strongly about purchasing wood for the fireplace. He had only a couple of "must have's" for our new home and a fireplace was one. I didn't give a whit. I find them to be dirty and smelly. He lucked out. The new place has one and the following is my secondhand recap of his wood buying experience.
He gets directions from a few people as to where he can find "Paul". Pointing lower and lower, they tell him to go down to the house. Venturing further until he finds it, the stereotypical homestead of the good ole boy. There are shells of cars, empty campers rusting out, tires and debris of every kind littering the property. Knocking on the door, he spies a very young woman cleaning near the window. She beckons him in. The house is somewhat of a hoarders house...it's bad. She points him to the room where Paul is sitting. He's in his underwear and doesn't care. Paul, with no front teeth, inquires none to gently, why BS is there. BS tells him he wants to buy wood.
Without even a blink, Paul changes the subject. He's pissed off at the fucking liberals who are doing construction outside, god damn well know they'll put in a bike path before they're done. Shifting again, he talks about the god damn, mother fucking, cock sucking liberals that are ruining this country. And fucking Maxine Waters (who happens to be a California politician), don't even get him started on that bitch. He continues on that line of thinking with a creative and extravagant use of profanity that surprises even the BS who has, as you say, been around the block. The effect is greatly enhanced by his missing incisors.
It goes downhill a bit when Paul learns BS is from Southern California because, as you must know, there are nothing but god damn, mother fucking liberals in California. Apparently all of them performing fellatio on Gavin Newsom, our governor (who must be the happiest man on earth, but I digress).
BS holds space for this man. He recognizes fear and pain manifested into anger. He sees a person that feeds himself a steady diet of Fox News. BS just listens.
Eventually, they walk outside. BS in his jeans and Tshirt and Paul, well, he's still in his boxer briefs. It was then Paul showed BS that he is actually an intelligent man. He knows everything there is to know about trees. He's an expert and has passion. BS plies him with questions and Paul is happy to share his knowledge. They are down right genial before it is over, almost old friends. BS didn't need to defend or state his beliefs. He didn't need to change Pauls mind. He treated him with respect without making him the other. Something tells me this isn't the last we hear from Paul.
WOW! Who is this man I am living with? I don't even recognize him but I like him a lot.
You can't end hate with hate.
Now THAT'S a good goddamn motherfucking cocksucking story!
ReplyDeleteNo Shit!!!!!!
DeleteGreat example! See the person and not the anger and fear. I don’t think I could have done the same. My own fear would have taken over.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree. But there is a certain laissez faire that comes along with being a 6’ 2” man, don’t you think?
DeleteThat is quite a story. I know I could not have handled listening to that, and I'm pretty sure Roger would've engaged in a expletive-rich response. Good for BS! Well done. But I do hope you never see that schmuck again.
ReplyDeleteThat would be fine with me too.
DeleteI LOVE Boy Scout. Good job. I hate fireplaces for the same reason. We have a gas one. Takes the chill away on a cold damp day and no mess. But I understand the romance of a fire. Rick used to be that way, but as he has gotten older he hated the mess, hence gas. You are in your new home already?You closed?
ReplyDeleteNo ma’am. Thursday!!
ReplyDeleteI can't top Debra's motherfucking comment, so I won't even try! Ha!!!!
ReplyDeleteA wonderful story, Linda!