That’s So Stupid

I am sometimes amazed at how things in my head go so askew. During a 2nd session with a counselor she noted that I had mentioned either: feeling stupid, being afraid of looking stupid, shame for being stupid or doing something stupid. How did appearing ignorant become my biggest fear? The craziest thing about growing up in an alcoholic home is that the insanity is normal to you. It’s all you know. It wasn’t until I was 50 and everything fell apart that I realized that the walls I had built to protect myself were my jail. I have exhausted myself to keep the fear at bay. I have exhausted myself to prove myself worthy of love. I am exhausted. I am not, however, stupid. I have made many mistakes.....that does not equal ignorance...that is my humanity. And despite what I gleamed as a child, I am worthy of love. Good love, love without lies, healthy love..... The sooner I can give that to myself, the sooner I can accept it from someone else. Did someone tell me I was stupid? ...