Getting It Done

Today I got a few things done and feel a sense of accomplishment. They were little things, nothing big.  I installed a toilet paper holder. Went to Lowe’s for a 5/16 drillbit because that ended up somewhere else in the divorce. Dug through MY easy access tool drawer for the necessary tools.

I used anchors with the screws so the thing doesn't fall off in a month. I checked for level and VOILA, done.


Then I raised the picture that hangs in the guest room. My walls are 80 year old lath and plaster which means if you are not careful you can cause a crack that starts in one spot and keeps on going till it feels good and ready to stop. Using some support tape, I drilled pilot holes, inserted anchors and screws and rehung a little higher.

blocked by armoire

Truth be told, there was a time I resented the Boy Scout for not being a handyman type but he has his good qualities and I’d rather hang a picture than cook any day of the week.

It’s nice to know I can do a few things when I put my mind to it.


  1. you're so butch (in a good way)! happy to hear you have a good cook in the boy scout! git 'er done!

    1. Well....I will own that one any day of the week. Thank you thank you.

  2. you pointed out very important thing here dear Linda!

    often we even don't know our capacity to do different little jobs by ourselves and feel dependent

    but once when we put our head upon it things get done easily and give us sense of achievement which is great source of pleasure

  3. Good job and you just gave me an idea for a post. :-) I'd rather do all of this than cook any day of the week.

  4. Hey, wanna come over to my place and hang pictures? You're good at it!

  5. Good for you! Projects - big or small - are fun to do.

  6. I love doing little projects like this. It’s so satisfying. Good job, Linda!

  7. Well done, you! A very nice job and it feels so good to have them done!

  8. Well done, we knew you could do it and now you know it too!


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