Travel Lightly

We are planning a trip.

Putting our home on  Done it before to with terrific results and looking forward to trying again. We've already got one offer to Toulon in the South of France but that's not where I am thinking of going.

I've got a passport for the first time when I was 49. It has one stamp in it..Roissy.CDG. We went to Paris..the 6 of us. I have some wonderful memories of that trip but there is also a dark cloud. Little did we know that the Secret Keeper was so far into his addiction that he could barely hold it together. His odd behavior kept us off balance and confused. And honestly, my reaction to it probably hurt the kids. I did not like him anymore, in fact, there were times I hated him. In truth, I hated the addict, I just didn't know it.

This time I will go with my best friend, the person who makes me laugh and who loves me despite my faults. This time it will be different. I am different. The Boy Scout and I will be taking our first trip together....he, the seasoned traveler and me, the woman who fears much but is trying to let it go.

Can’t wait to try again.


  1. I am excited for you! Happy adventures!

  2. 'Home Exchange' sounds intriguing. Whatever the destination, have a wonderful trip!

  3. Sounds exciting! Travel really pulls us out of the everyday humdrums!

  4. FABULOUS! you are older and wiser and will enjoy this excursion more!

  5. Sounds like fun! Enjoy! Is Home exchange like the movie with Cameron Diaz and Kate Winslet?

    I used to tell my step daughter when dealing with all her every changing relationships, you must be with them through for 4 seasons and take a trip. Then you can say he is your forever guy. If you can travel well together you can do anything. She used to laugh and make fun of me. Then she went on a trip of a lifetime with what she thought was the life of her life. He was not as spontaneous when traveling and they fought the whole time. She came back and said to me, "I thought you were crazy but the stress of the airport delays and the trip itself showed me another side of this person. He was horrible. How'd you figure that out?" Ah, kids.

  6. Never give up trying, never lose hope, live as best you can, and enjoy your trip, much love

  7. My daughter just came back from a trip to France. It was a business trip for her husband but the company paid for her and their two children, my grand kids. The people were so nice she said.

  8. New adventures, new experiences and new memories. Go out and get them and have lots of fun creating them.

  9. What a very neat thing to do - a house exchange. However, I doubt anyone would want to come stay in our little rural community. We aren't close to any destinations. Have a great trip! -Jenn

  10. I just want to give you a big hug and wish you Bon Voyage :)

  11. Sounds like you'll have a great time.

  12. Bon voyage - hope that you find somewhere to you liking, and that it wipes out the memory of your last trip forever.

  13. I think you will love it. And being with a seasoned traveler is always a good thing!


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