Little Houses With Big Hearts

This is my home.  All 790 sq ft of it. It’s not fancy but it is mine and I am pretty fond of it. I’d almost say I love it except I am reminded of how much of my heart I gave the last house and how little she gave me in return.

In my previous life I would be constantly thinking of all the projects I wanted to do. The wood floors are appalling, there is no insulation, the windows are original and BAD. But now-a-days I feel like as long as it's pretty clean...I'm ok with the rest of it. I don't have a bunch of extra cash and I refuse to go in debt.

It's a snap to clean and just enough room (as long as I have a storage unit).

I hope the Boy Scout and I can spend our remaining days here. That would be just fine with me.

Happy Easter y’all  🐣 


  1. It looks like a happy home. I like your archway! -Jenn

    1. I looked for a couple of months and knew when I walked in the door this was the one. Little did I know what I was in for though.

  2. I love this house so much!
    In a way, it is my dream house, small but big enough With loads of charm.

  3. Your house is beautiful, Linda. Small is nice and it has a homey look to it.

    1. Thanks Bill. It’s where the heart is right?

  4. Looks pretty nice to me! You have decorated it beautifully, I must say.

    1. Thanks much Debra. Most of it came from the other house or from world market, which I love.

  5. I raised my kids in less than 1000 sq feet. The best part was always being able to talk to them in a normal voice wherever they were. We did everything together because there were no other choices. :-)

  6. Looks wonderful! I like smaller homes. Less work, more time to enjoy life :)

  7. It looks perfect to me, Linda. The important thing is that it’s perfect to you! Enjoy every minute in your lovely home.

  8. Did you do the ceiling in the bedroom or was it done when you moved in? I like it. I think the whole home is great/beautiful. YOu have 2b and 2 baths. C'mon that is a lot of nice in less than 800 sq ft. For me home is wherever Rick is. I'm sure you can make a warm home anywhere Linda!

    1. I love that....home is wherever Rick is! The previous owner was an artist and did some interesting stuff including that ceiling.

  9. Your house is SO CHARMING! I love the arches and the fireplace is fabulous. Yes, a wonderful spot for the rest of your days!

  10. What a sweet home. I love the arch looking into the kitchen.

  11. What a beautiful home. And yes, less space to clean which is wonderful:)


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