Coffee Anyone?

My girls and I made an appointment and went to a cat cafe. It’s really a misnomer as there are loads of cats but no cafe unless you consider a pot of hot water and coffee and tea packets a cafe.

No worries.  We came for the cats and I don’t even drink coffee. It was wonderful.  All kitties were up for adoption and will probably get it as they were all pretty calm and friendly.

It's a wonderful cause and the Crazy Cat Lady that is running it was sweet. We had a great time, loving the kitties and chit chatting the afternoon away.


  1. I love these cafes! I've never been but my younger daughter has. A fun place.

  2. "Time spent with cats is never wasted" ~~ Colette

  3. I love the idea of a cat cafe, especially if I travel and am missing my girl!

  4. Looks like a great relaxing place to spend some time and maybe even take a cat home. They sure are cute!

  5. Hello! !
    Celebrate this Easter with a heart filled with peace, joy and cheer! Have a happy Easter!
    I am always impressed with a nice message.
    In this season, Japan is stained with cherry color.
    It is a very favorite season for Japanese people.
    Sakura in Washington DC is also a present from Japan.
    I am enjoying 70 kilometers on a road bike in cherry blossoms.

  6. how interesting place it looks dear Linda!
    i am glad you had wonderful time there


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