Days And Nights

Do you ever get lonely?  You must.

What do you do that helps drive the lonely away?


  1. I text friends, knit, watch my fave movies on dvd/youtube, play music, pet the cats.

  2. I don’t often feel lonely. I remember after my mother died I felt lonely though.

    Walking helped me. Around the neighbourhood I met people and spoke with them. It lifted my spirits and took away the loneliness. Still today, a walk and a chat are good for my spirit.

  3. I'm so lonely that I ache with it. I don't know that I do anything about it. Nothing I suppose. I read a lot of books. I read blogs or get on Instagram and scroll through pictures. Grandkids help somewhat when they are here. I'm lonely for female friendships..going out for coffee or shopping together, someone I can share my heart with. I'd also like to have couples friends... a couple to go out to dinner with or maybe go to each others homes for a backyard BBQ. Truly I don't know where to find people like this.

  4. I got lonely in 1987 when I first lived away from everyone I knew. I joined clubs etc but nothing helped. Then I saw a counselor, that helped.
    But now, I wouldn't mind a few lonely days, or at the very least being alone days. I live with my best friend in the world whom I adore, but honestly there are days I wish he'd go away for a bit. The hazards of working with your mate!!

  5. Sometimes when I'm at the lake and Rick isn't, I get a little lonely -- and then I either paint or do a road trip or get on the phone to a friend, my cousin, or even Rick. I'm an "only" and I do solitude pretty well but sometimes you just want to be with someone.

  6. I volunteer as a moderator for a progressive political FB secret group with 9,500 members (Action Together Florida). I work closely with the other mods/admins across this large state and it helps me feel connected to a larger like-minded group. I get no money for it, but I do get a sense of community. As a retiree who has moved from the a reliably Blue state (New York) to a crazy, wild, and wooly Swing State (Florida), I need community most of all. Plus, it makes me feel like I am contributing. And it is fun.

  7. I keep busy. Doing art or photography keeps my very focused and I don't think about anything else. Reading books is good for that, too.

  8. I am lonely. All the time. I try not to think about it because I’m afraid it will sink me.

  9. As an introvert, I don't get lonely very often because I am my own favourite company. But in the past I have had periods of loneliness and yes, it's like a knife in your guts. My solution was/is always to get out and get involved in some group or activity with other people. Meeting new people will sooner or later result in new friends and acquaintances who will be interested in you, I find.

  10. Just found your blog. The short answer is that I like living alone and am a homebody..I have the top level of a house and a sibling has the bottom but she works two jobs by choice and it's mainly me and the canines.ive been fortunate to find a weekly knitting group and church group that force me out of the house but I would live to find a woman's lunch or exercise group


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