What's That You Say?

We really like our neighbors. They moved in a year ago and it's been great getting to know them. Last night we went to a local brat and brew. It was........interesting.

Step inside the restaurant and, lo and behold, it was trivia night. A raucous local crowd of regulars competing in teams in three rounds for the prize of a few bucks.

The problem....it was a noisy group....and I couldn't hear a damn thing. I got the gist of a few of the questions but could not take part in any way as the three others in my group whispered to reach a consensus or prove their intellectual prowess. Either way, I sat like a lump, feeling rather stupid and very isolated. It sucked....not remotely fun. I tried to make the best of it but really, I wanted to walk home while they had their fun.

The hot dog was tasty, I hate beer.

Next time, a quieter place and a better attitude.


  1. Bars and loud restaurants are problematic for me too because of the high noise levels. Can't hear a goddamn thing. I just smile and nod, smile and nod, hoping I'm not unwittingly agreeing to anything I'll regret later, lol!

    1. And oh yeah, I love your new blog re-do too! So vibrant!

  2. The noise would put me off too, Linda. A better venue next time would help by the sound of it.

  3. I hate noisy restos when you just really would like to talk. Next time...

    1. Theres a few big chains here that I won't go near....Lazy Dog and YardHouse are down right painful.

  4. Nice new colours on your blog!

    I haven’t been to a pub in ages for that very reason. Way too loud!

  5. I totally get it. I feel the same way. I can never understand a thing in these noisy places and end up knocking my head like a moron. Quieter settings are always the best. And your blog looks great!

  6. Noise and trivia - not my cup of tea either.

  7. I find it difficult to hear what I need to hear with all the bar noise. So I understand completely!! I like brats but not so much beer as you said. Next time stop over Linda, last night we had a fun time on my deck playing a silly game with our neighbors and laughing like crazy. Impromptu to boot. So you know, just swing on by. :-)

  8. Maybe that's why I don't go to bars very often, besides that I don't drink much. Maybe if I got hearing aids it would make a difference.


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