Home Is Where The Dogs Are

We made our trip home or, should I say, we visited the place that used to be home. It was hectic, fast and rather hard on this introvert but we packed in a whole lot of love. My mother’s sister, who is the most wonderful, wise woman, is still living in the home that she has been in as long as I have been alive. She and her husband are getting close to not being able to care for themselves. Two of my sisters have stepped in to help, most assuredly prolonging their stay. When their tenure inside this home that holds so many memories is over, their son will move them closer to him in the San Diego area. If and when that happens I will probably never see them again but I won’t go down that rabbit hole. I dread that time but, of course, want whatever is best for them. I schemed and managed to get my three sisters and their spouses, as well as my youngest daughter, into my aunts home in one afternoon. We had lunch and conversation. It warmed my heart. We golfed twice! It was fantastic t...