Look Before You Leap

We are traveling which I will go into more when I have some time. Meanwhile, I’ll say that we agreed he would buy food, gas and golf, and I would pay for hotels. 

I’ve been known to be thrifty but I guess I’ve outdid myself. Of course I found a hotel with “free breakfast” which I envisioned the typical serve yourself limited buffet style. Some are definitely better than others but I have learned today that I should look at the fine print. 

These fancy accommodations provide a “warm bag” or a coupon for the restaurant down the street.  There are many restaurants down the street but our coupon?

Kid you not!

Did anyone even know that Der Weinerschnitzel made breakfast? And seriously, I wouldn’t eat lunch there, even in a pinch, so logically, we made other arrangements and gave up the generous offer.


  1. I love traditional breakfasts in the hotel and would often choose a hotel with that perk. However, I don't think I would want a hot dog for breakfast although I generally like them.

  2. I think I could get into World's Biggest hot dog stand!

  3. Good luck with the rest of your breakfasts on vacation. Enjoy!


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