You Have Not Heard the Half of It

Yesterday I used the phone like a normal person, without the help of hearing aids, Bluetooth or my iPhone outside speaker turned up to max. 

I was at work, struggling to communicate with a vendor, when I moved the phone from my hearing aided left ear to my surgically repaired right ear when, lo and behold, I realized I could hear that woman plain as day and even had to turn the volume down in order to be comfortable. 

It doesn’t sound like much but if you knew how many times I struggled, how many phone calls I abruptly ended because of frustration, how much moving from ear to ear in order to JUST HEAR THE PERSON ON THE OTHER END. The number of calls I ended before they ever began because they were directed to call centers, which not only include people with accents I can no longer discern, but also had the loud background noise of 40 other people taking calls in the same room. 

I had my follow up hearing test yesterday. There was a 20 decibel improvement across the frequencies. It's not a miracle, it's science but it is like a miracle to me. 

I am so excited to do the next ear at Christmas. 


  1. Such wonderful news! What a super outcome! I'm happy for you!

  2. This is so wonderful to read! I love the positive news.

  3. Yay! Modern science can do wonders and I am happy you benefitted, Linda!

  4. That's wonderful. I'm so happy for you.

  5. This is such wonderful news. I am so happy for you!

  6. That is fantastic news! I'm very happy for you.

  7. That is so wonderful! I can't imagine how excited you must be. I'm so happy for you!


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