The Best Laid Plans

Thirty years ago I was 9 months pregnant and ready to burst. I had been hoping the baby would come quickly because I was shortly leaving 29 and wasn't overly thrilled with the idea of turning 30 while gigantic and waddling all over the place.

That child obliged by showing up on the 9th! By the time the 14th arrived I was back down to a 125lbs, albeit a little on the pouchy soft side, and ready to get back into shape. I turned 30 without a waddle. The little baby the doctor laid in my arms and said, "Beam me up Scotty" when he heard the name we had picked, presented as a boy child and it wasn't until 27 years later that she either figured out or had the courage to state her true self. Honestly, my intuition knew something was up but this world had taught me to ignore that so I waited and watched.

She has her big 30 today and I have my big 60 in a few. Both of us are feeling mixed emotions about these milestones but both of us will find our way.  Our way to happiness, contentedness, emotional sobriety and self love. We have been heading in that direction and, on occasion, our paths intersect in some beautiful way where we lift each other up or come along side and remember the lovely bond we had in the past and the new bonds we have now. 

I wish her all the best life has to give. I wish her the knowledge that "the best" comes from the inside and no where else. 


  1. Happy Birthday to your daughter and Happy Birth Day to you!

  2. Happy birthday to your daughter. Happy birthday to you, young woman!

  3. Happy Birthday to your daughter... and a Happy Birthday you. I hope you both enjoy your trip around the sun day!

  4. Happy Zero Birthdays to you both. It's just a number. Next year it will be a one! Celebrate every single day!

  5. I had a baby at nearly my 30th too! Also a girl. Happy Birthday to both of you! (it's just a number)


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