A Load Off My Mind

I finally did it!

I bit the bullet, sucked it up, swallowed the pill and took my medicine.

I went to the store and bought myself 4 pair of properly sized jeans. Jeans to fit my size butt, my size legs and my size stomach.

I have been one size all of my life but I have to admit a few things.

  • Somewhere, I always knew that if my metabolism ever slowed down I was shit out of luck. I would not be able to count on my ability to restrict my diet (hahhahaha!).
  • I have always been aware that I was wound as tight as a top. One burns a lot of energy being THAT kind of person. The over thinking of every stinking thing requires phenomenal amounts of energy. As I unwind, less energy is being expended.
  • My bod (my 60 year old bod) cannot do what it once did. I still move, I still stay pretty limber but I cannot run and, most honestly, I have no desire to join a gym.
  • Finally, what I find interesting is that as I become more content, the more peace in my life, I am just not that concerned with the weight I've gained. It's a sort of happy fat. Is there anything quite as nice as happy fat? I am sure there is but, so what, it's my story and I am sticking to it. 
Proudly wearing my new size.

Today I have reached a threshold. I am both embracing 60, and the peace that comes with it, and feeling a bit like a cat about to get a bath, four legs extended to the maximum, claws out, ready to escape out the nearest exit.

Can one be both? Apparently one can.


  1. Sheesh, most women would kill to be a size 8. You're still leading the pack, LOL!

  2. Size 8! I remember the last time I wore a size 8...they were pastel Dittos! You are definitely rocking 60!

  3. I probably wasn't a size 8 when I was 8! Count your blessings.

  4. I wanna say bite me Linda, but I love ya so I won't! 😀. Size 8 is better than 12 where I am so I'd take 8. I have NEVER in my life been an 8 even at 110lbs. I skipped that size in high school and went right to 10. Happy fat isn't so bad. I lived there once.

  5. I too am happy fat and no longer work at keeping at a size 2-4. (which would require a lot of starvation and denial)


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