
I understand that our press has tilts both to the left and the right. But rhetoric coming from the White House is dangerous and divisive and purposely undermining the credibility of the press. Our president is an afraid little man who cannot handle criticism or the appearance of failure. The following is a February 21, 2017 article by Robert Reich. 7 Signs of Tyranny As tyrants take control of democracies, they typically do 7 things: 1. They exaggerate their mandate to govern – claiming, for example, that they won an election by a “landslide” even after losing the popular vote. They criticize any finding that they or co-conspirators stole the election. And they repeatedly claim “massive voter fraud” in the absence of any evidence, in order to have an excuse to restrict voting by opponents in subsequent elections. 2. They turn the public against journalists or media outlets that criticize them , calling them “deceitful” and “scum,” and t...