Burning Down The House

We went to the Santa Barbara Bowl last night to see David Byrne of the Talking Heads. Me, my Boy Scout and my oldest boy. The Bowl is an outdoor venue set in the foothills of Santa Barbara, it was a warm summer evening, the crowd was happy and so was I.

It could not have gone better. The opening band was talented twin sisters from France that had an eclectic style and were very enjoyable. At 7 o’clock when they started singing only about a quarter of the people were sitting down but it was still a ton of fun. 

The Boy Scout grew up in Santa Barbara so he always knows quite a few people whenever we go. He enjoys knowing and being known and it’s fun to watch him work the crowd.

At 8:15, when David Byrne came on, I have to admit I didn’t know what to expect and truthfully wasn’t all that excited to be there except for the people I was with. The staging was simple and effective. His musicians all carried their instruments in this percussion heavy band. It was original, fun and fabulous. From beginning to end, David and the musicians never stopped moving. He’s a quirky, kind of odd guy but in a good way. This man is in his mid sixties and managed to sing and dance and move all over the stage for two hours with the considerably younger backup singers and musicians. 

The best part!!!!....my quiet, shy, introverted and studious son....danced the night away....sang to me with a big smile on his face....and seemed to enjoy himself a ton.

Probably the first concert I’ve attended where I didn’t not think to myself, “OK, I've had enough...no more encores please.”  It could have kept on going!!  Go see it if it comes to town.


  1. Glad you all had such a great time! Sounds like good memories were made.

  2. the boy scout is cute, you are pretty, and your son is a handsome young man! glad you had fun!

  3. I've never seen David Byrne live - he's one of the few of my old favorites I've missed, but maybe one day. Sounds like a good time, and getting nerds to dance is pretty much who Byrne is, so far as I can tell.

  4. I thought I was the only one that didn’t mind a concert ending. I have been sitting for 4 hours. Enough already. 😂

    1. Sometimes after 4 songs. I’m pretty bad. One time I fell asleep at a Diana Krall concert.

    2. Oh, god. Don’t get me started on DK.

  5. Sharing such a fun time with those you love is pretty special!

  6. Two lovely photos of three smiling people enjoying themselves!

  7. I'm so glad you had a wonderful time! And I really love the photos of you and Boy Scout and your sweet son! Sounds like the best kind of evening -- being with the people you care about and enjoying music -- plus, having a surprise of discovery,too!

  8. Sounds like everyone had a wonderful time. Priceless memories!

  9. How did I miss this post?
    What a great time and I love that your son enjoyed it as well.
    What a good looking family!!

  10. what a fun night dear Linda!

    loved the post so much which reveals your sensitivity towards your family specially the way you described your son's shyness and attachment with you :)


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