Do You Dance?

At the concert the other night I thoroughly enjoyed people watching until it got dark.

One guy, probably 65ish, had long white frizzy hair tied in a ponytail, with normal guys clothes, nothing fancy or far out, wire rimmed glasses and a good sized nose (thing Mayim Bailik). As soon as the opening band started this guy was up.....he was the ONLY one up. And did he have the moves. He was jerky and odd, with spins and bumps and he was completely uninhibited, not noticing a single person around him. 

I had to wonder....what made this guy that way? What a wonderful thing. What kind of parents did he have that gave him that confidence? Or did he parent himself into that?

Don't get me wrong, I dance and I'll sing, admittedly off key, but with the group, certainly not solo. But, WOW, to be the only one in the entire venue to be getting it on with complete abandon. 

I'd love to be that person, so uninhibited and free from the unease of being watched, judged. 

Do you?  Do you sing and dance? Do you care who is watching?


  1. Oh Linda, I too wish I could be like that. I get a kick of people like that. Getting down with their bad self. I am married to someone who has no fear like that. It makes up for all my neurosis. No, I do not sing except alone. I do not dance in public. Only if incredibility intoxicated. So I haven't done that in years!!

    1. I dance anywhere as long as others are dancing. At home I sing and dance with complete abandon. Don't care if they like it or not.

  2. I would like to be so uninhibited!

  3. I don't sing. But I do love to dance...when other people are up and dancing with me! :)

  4. I used to sing. Now that my voice has gone, not so much. Dance? I'd dance if I wasn't alone but I'm not sure if I would otherwise. Inhibition? Yes, indeed!

  5. I can sing and I sing very badly, completely out of tune but Katie loves it.

    I love to dance but I am not uninhibited, far too inhibited now that I don't drink:)

  6. Oh yes, that is my wish, to do exactly what I want without a thought, but alas, that I tend to only do when I'm alone, I envy that guy....


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