My Gigi

I still smell your perfume, as if in the next room, even though you are not here. Your essence remains. So dear to my heart are you who was the most unexpected gift.

How angry I was when I first knew of you. So selfish this soul of mine can be. But God or nature or Mother Earth knew far better than me of your true value.  Your tender, empathetic heart, so rare in this day and age.

Complex yet loving, our relationship enriches and confuses me but we are bonded by our mutual love for the incredible woman you called grandma and I called my tether to this planet, the three precious jewels who call you Macky, Bobo or sister, the big guy who takes up a lot of space and the broken man who needs our love more than breath.

I am grateful for you today. Grateful you eat the leftovers in the fridge, leave the bathroom light on all night and that you call my "guest" room yours for a little while longer.


  1. so much love for your girl; I can read that in your sentences.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Toni. Hope that you are safe and that the fire is getting containment. I am so sorry for what your area is going through.

  3. I am grateful that you have this beautiful soul in your life. And that she has you. 💕

  4. This is incredibly beautiful. I love how you write and how you open your big heart.


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