The Nose Knows

“Elsa sits in granny’s wardrobe. It smells of granny. The whole house smells of Granny. There something special about a Granny’s house, even if ten or twenty or thirty years go by you never forget how it smells “. From My Grandmother Asked Me To Tell You She' Sorry

My girl and I had a sweet conversation one day. She was laying in bed and feeling the warmth of the sun on her skin when she texted me about how much it reminded her of being at grandmas house. Gigi has a great memory. My mom got sick when Gigi was pretty young but before that they spent a ton of time together as my mom had been her caregiver for her first few years. They played and shopped and watched Dharma and Gregg together. It was wonderful bonding time.

Gigi and I spoke later of the day of my moms death. We shared my moms last breaths with many loved ones. It was a privilege but it was heartbreaking. I was lost...I couldn't breathe right. Afterwards, I knew I couldn’t go home right away. Gigi and I stopped at Walmart on the way home and shopped for Christmas presents and I bought her one of the huge tins of different flavored popcorn and finally went home. 

It often strikes me as funny that we lose our rocks, our tethers to the planet, and the world just goes on without even a bump. Luckily, we can share our beautiful feelings of love and tenderness with others who know exactly what it means to lose their person, their loves. 

There was a certain smell and every once in awhile I catch it somewhere and it makes me stop, check in with my soul and feel her arms holding me once more.


  1. I love the words, we can share our beautiful feelings of love and tenderness with others who know exactly what it means to lose their person, their loves.

    I don’t think I could have dealt with my mom’s death if it wasn’t for the love and understanding of others. It’s beem almost 7 years and I still ache for her. Only someone who has lost a loved one can understand that.

  2. The old Victorian house where my paternal grandma rented a small bedsitter suite has recently been renovated to become a B & B. I hope to stay overnight there sometime in the front room which would correspond to her old suite -- I know it will look nothing like what it used to, but it may still evoke powerful memories just to be in the same space again, which I have not been for nearly 50 years.

  3. Smells have a strong memory sense don't they? I lost my mom at age 13. I used to stand in her closet and just smell her clothes for months after she was gone. I never wanted to forget her perfume. I don't recall the name but it was from AVon. And if I caught a whiff of it in 1969 or 1970 it would make me cry. My grandmothers house was awful, it smelled like menthol rub. No not vicks, but what old people used to rub on pain. I HATE that smell but it does remind me of that grandmother. :-)

    1. This is lovely and breaks my heart at the same time 💕

  4. My paternal grandmother had a bookcase with glass doors and all these classic books inside. When my dad's sister (my aunt) died, she was the last living member of my dad's family, I got the bookcase and whenever I opened it, I could still smell her books and the room it was in. It always brought back memories of being with her when I was little. You are absolutely right, the nose knows. Nice post Linda!

    1. Even better because it was a bookcase and that you got to carry it with you.

  5. my grandfather had a cedarwood wardrobe; to this day when I smell cedarwood, it reminds me of him.

  6. I love hearing all your stories of olafactory memories.

  7. Hugs Linda. After ten years I still have many things I have to tell Mom about! Oh if she were there at the other end of the line one more time.

  8. This is so beautifully written. I still miss my mom, even though she is gone more than ten years. Just recently I thought of both my grandmas again and how many questions I would still love to ask them.

    1. Yes! I have so many. I guess it is a good reminder to ask questions of those still around. I think I will go call my Auntie right now.

  9. I can almost smell it now myself. Thank you for this. We have my great grandparents wardrobe in our house and while the smell is gone, there is the distinct sound when the big door opens.

  10. This is so beautiful, Linda. Makes me think of - and miss terribly - my father. He was the foundation beneath my feet and when he died, the universe shook. I think about him all the time.

  11. So very beautiful -- and very true. Losing our rocks and tethers to the planet. Inspired words. Just perfection.

  12. Smells do that... take you to a different time, different place, another person. I'm glad you have good memories to hold you tight, lots love from me.


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