No Longer “NUMB”

For my 47th birthday I got two concert tickets to see U2. Truth be told, I don't like crowds, they make me uptight and nervous, but I was thrilled to be flying to Denver to see them It was a thoughtful gift that the Secret Keeper knew I would really like. As it turned out, I did not make that concert in May of 2011. He could not go and although I might have thought to go With or Without Him; my kids needed me at the time, it didn't seem like much fun to do that particular trip alone and, finally, he could not remember where he put the tickets. That was 8 years ago, although it seems like 20. We are in Another Time Another Place and things are no longer so Out of Control , no longer Bad, and I am One Step Closer. I just got two tickets to see U2 for my 55th birthday!!!! We will not be in the city Where The Streets Have No Name nor in the City Of Blinding Lights ...we will be in in Paris France. I will be rocking in 55 with my very favorit...