Not Too Shabby

I am truly proud of how hard I worked to ensure, to the best of my ability, that my four children did not spend the rest of their lives angry at their father. It was not easy at first, as I was so angry and hurt,  but eventually I recognized that my deepest desire was that they did not have to be angry on my behalf. And as we went through the process of coming to terms with the situation, the five of us encouraged compassion and empathy within each other.

I’d love to hear something that you are proud of. 


  1. I am proud of my daughter who could not be bought with fancy clothes, world travel or a fancy house. She didn’t lose sight of who she is or what was important to her. I learn from her every day.

    1. Well done. If we have a kid that we truely like, we must have done something right.

  2. To this day I cringe when I hear my boys rave about what a good dad their father was and how much they and miss him. He was a good father, but a terrible husband--jealous and abusive both physically and emotionally. But I never allowed my anger to become my boys anger. My ex passed in 1996 from a rare form of groin cancer. My boys were there for him and that's the way it should have been.

    1. That would be so hard. Well done for not making them bare your pain.

  3. Like you, I did my best not to bad-mouth the kids dad. He, however, did his best to show them his true colors. Sad for them and him. His loss because the kids turned out to be magnificent adults!

    1. Toni, I’m proud of you I so many ways. You just added another to my list. You are one incredible woman.

  4. That is great, Linda! I think this is really important. I did not badmouth my ex, so my two daughters could develop a relationship with him and form their own opinions. I can't say he did the same for me. It's been over 20 years since we split up and he still brings me up in a negative way from time to time. But I don't care. I sleep well at night knowing I did right by my kids.

    1. I’m glad you took the high road. The kids get the benefit but so do you in the long run. Well done.

  5. That is really something to be proud of. I am proud of being able to help build good partnering role models for kids with Rick after his divorce -- and for my work at Ele's Place children's grief center.

  6. Thank you for sharing valuable information nice post,I enjoyed reading this post.



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