Never Underestimate A Gray

Our gym has a nice indoor pool and jacuzzi. This morning, while warming in the hot tub before doing some laps, we watched a class that was going on in the pool. Water aerobics looks fun but this class was a little on the older side so it was not terrifically strenuous. I remarked to the Boy Scout how nice it is to see so many white and silver haired gals. I love that women are embracing their gray.

One of the gals was a bit older than the others. She had trouble getting out of the pool and used a cane. She look a little frail and maybe timid. LOOKS CAN BE DECEIVING. After finishing my laps I went to the dressing room to shower and dress. Still in my suit, I walked into where the lockers are.. She looked up from the bench and said something. I had to ask, as I didn't hear her the first time, and she said, "You're too skinny". I just kinda laughed as I was unsure how to reply to that. She repeated it and then said, "Do you eat anything?"  I laughed again and spoke of my love for Peanut Butter M&M's. She wasn't buying it. "You need to gain some weight", she says.

Truth is, I am probably about average or slightly below average but the fact that I am not blessed in the bosom department (serious understatement) makes me appear way trimmer than I am. Ah well.

Isn't it odd how certain interactions with certain people can make you feel like a 10 year old?


  1. I wish someone would tell me I'm too skinny, lol!

  2. I hate being called skinny, although doesn't happen anymore. When I was a kid I was skinny and was teased horribly about it.

    We are what we are.

  3. Wow, amazing that people think they can say that shit to others. I wonder if she would say, gee you're too fat to someone?

    And I am not what I call "blessed" in the bosom department, they are way too big, so it always makes me look larger than I am. So we each have the same issue just the opposite...tee hee

  4. It’s really a great and helpful piece of information. I am happy that you simply shared this helpful information with us.


  5. I'd kill if someone said I was a little too skinny (in a good way) and kill in a bad way if they said the opposite!


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