Sophie Mon Amour

This is my baby.....I love her so much!

I am her Alpha, to be sure, but the Boy Scout is far and beyond her favorite litter mate.

When we go places, this is how she looks at me♥

I know, I know....she looks like Yoda or a gargoyle but when love is concerned, it's about what is on the inside not the outside, right?


  1. I think she's pretty adorable. And as soul mates go, I think she has found hers in you!

  2. Oh c'mon I love that face!!!
    Nothin' much better than a dog Linda :-)

  3. She's is adorable and looks so serious. Definitely full of cuteness.

  4. Awww, you can tell she loves you! -Jenn

  5. Aw...look at that face! What a sweetie :)

  6. She is adorable! That is neat that you are the Alpha. We had a corgi that hubby was the Alpha for. I was more the "softie" that let him get away with anything and everything. They do bring such joy to our lives :)

    thanks for visiting my blog (A Bench with a View) and your comment :)



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