Let Them Eat Cake

Last night we had two couples over for dinner. Being my introverted self, I am usually pretty content to not have people over but the Boy Scout is a social being and has the gift of hospitality to be sure. So the invites went out and were quickly and warmly accepted. After the invites were conveyed, there was a bit of back and forth regarding dietary restrictions. A couple of Paleo's, one non-dairy, no vegetarians. The Boy Scout took each constraint gleefully, as if a test of his ability to adapt and produce good fare despite the handicaps. He did a fantastic job! This girl is not a chef, not even a cook....more of an "as needed (meaning I'm hungry right now) put together whatever takes the least amount of work" kind of gal. I am in awe of his talent but, even more so, his ability to do it with such ease and confidence, as if he were accomplishing a task that he has done since childhood. Perhaps it is my fear of failure that keeps me from enjoying the task....he do...