New Friends and Old Friends

So, my sweet Winnie has the home of her dreams (and no, it isn't ours).

Winnie (Rozee) and Cooper
We met my childhood friend half way between our homes in the O.C. (Orange County). I had not seen Jeannie for 39 years but through the power of Facebook, we reconnected. She came with her son and her was wonderful to catch up. They reminded me of things I had forgotten. I had forgotten how Shirley, Jeannie's mom, used to yell at me, "Where is your sweater and get some shoes on?"  I never wore shoes unless it was a requirement. Tomboys don't need shoes silly. Jeannie reminded me how I had once tried to get her up on the back of Jaspar, my sister's pony. I'm not sure why he was in our back yard but he was a mean old thing. Apparently I helped her on up and then right onto the ground on the other side.  I was probably 8ish which would make her 5. The funny thing is I know for a fact my sister Pam would have killed me if she knew I was near Jasper, so I must have been fairly confident she wouldn't be home soon....we were all smart enough not to mess with Pam. We still don't mess with her.....we love her...but we don't mess with her.

Anyways, we met the three of them, Jeannie, Shirley and Torrey, in the park and Jeannie quickly realized that Winnie (now named Rose) was the dog for them. The Boy Scout and I left fairly broken-hearted and I still feel like I may have let the best dog I have ever met go, but I stuck with my boundaries which were and still are that I have enough responsibility, I have been responsible for much for a very long time. I am looking for less...a little more carefree and whimsy. 

Through text Jeannie let me know that Rozee had been starving before we got her. She had to have been 15 lbs underweight when we got her because the vet said she needed to gain at least 8 to 10 more before he would consider spaying her, despite the fact that the Boy Scout had been feeding her meat and rice and good hearty stuff from the fridge. They feel strongly she had been used to produce puppy litters and then dumped. This lovely soul had been discarded like a piece of trash.

Rozee got home from her vet visit on Sunday with a new pink collar and a warm bed. She has a boy too....what more could a dog ask for? 

I've got a little ache in my heart but it's ok. I know we did the right thing. No doubt we will be making a trip to San Diego soon to see all of our friends, including the four footed one.


  1. Oh, that was hard to read. Poor Winnie. She must have lived such a hard life. But despite the abuse and neglect, she is such a sweetie. I can only imagine how hard it was to let her go.

    1. Taking comfort in the love she is getting. 💜💜

  2. I like the idea that you were in just the right place at just the right time. YOU just happened to find Winnie (Rosie) and then YOU helped find Winnie (Rosie) a new owner. I think that's called serendipity. How awesome is that? How awesome are you? What a blessing to be able to help another one of Gods creatures along on it's earthly journey! XO

  3. How can an creature go through so much abuse and neglect keep a beautiful spirit? What a good dog. I'm sending her virtual scratches behind the year.


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