New Friends

Friday night the Boy Scout and I went to a foreign flick. Me, Estas Matando Susana, (You're Killing Me Susana) was a fairly average Rom Com but the stars were sure cuties. Gael Garcia Bernal is adorable and Veronica Echequi is lovely. But the highlight of the night was not the movie.

Winnie and Sophie
On our way home, on a busy but dark road that connects Ventura to Oxnard and is surrounded by farmland, we were stopped at a large intersection and spotted a dog running into the busy road. I opened my door and called her.  To my surprise, she did not even hesitate. She jumped in, moved to the back seat and pretty quickly laid herself down and fell asleep. The Boy Scout crooned his lovely voice at her but he didn't really need to. She was content. 

On getting home, this very young full bred Boxer was nervous but not overly. Turned out that she and my Frenchie got along OK...always a plus. This girl is young, has had at least one litter of pups and is well trained. We have scoured the streets for signs, put ads on craigslist and Face book, called the Humane Society etc. No response as of yet.

We are settling into a nice little routine as this joyously sweet girl adds a new spark to the household. I have an old friend that lost her last boxer a few years back and she will make a fabulous owner should "Winnie's" owners not come forward. Truth be told, it will be hard to let her go either way. What a lovely spirit she has.

It is Monday, I'm happy. I hope you are too


  1. I love boxers. they are the sweetest dogs.

    1. We had a sweetie when I was a kid but he did tend to terrorize the smaller animals in the neighborhood. I keep waiting for the other foot to drop and find she has some bad habits. None so far.

  2. Boxer dogs are great. We had 2 boxers when I was a little girl. Originally they were for breeding, but then (after fixing) they just became beloved family pets. I hope Winnie ends up in a good and loving home.

  3. I think you should keep her! I'm pretty sure she was dropped into your lap for a reason.

    1. Ahhhh, I keep thinking that but I sure wasn't planning on a new dog. I'm getting older and would like to travel a bit.

  4. Well, you have one. What's one more? ;-)

  5. Oh, what a sweetie. Both you and the dog :) You're such a good soul. I hope this lovely dog finds a good home.

  6. She looks like Gracie, who was just a pup four years ago. An old roommate of mine had her. If she is Gracie, she is much better off with you!

  7. Have you found her owner yet? Are you her owner yet?

    1. We are taking her down to orange county to meet an old old friend of mine. We're hoping it's a good match. I won't be brokenhearted if we end up bringing her home


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