A Driving History

1 -  79 - Datsun B210 - blue
2 -  71 - Chevy Nova - gold
3 -  86 - Honda Accord - champagne
4 -  89 - Volvo Wagon - blue
5 -  92 - Chevy Suburban - white
6 -  97 - Dodge Caravan - red
7 -  09 - Ford Flex - Root Beer


Clearly I am experiencing writers block!


  1. I really can't remember!
    My first car was a Hyundai Excel
    There was a minivan in there somewhere.
    A Mazda 626
    Now I have a 1997 Toyota Corolla

    1. My list was smaller but then I'd remember another and another.

  2. Mine has included four cars so far. The most recent has turned out to be an amazing car. We bought it new in 2003 and it is still going strong! We really got our money's worth with that one.

    1. Just like pets, there's always one that stands out over the others.

  3. Fun! I can't remember most of the years, but our first car was a maroon Chevy Nova, and it was old when we got it in the early 1970's. Then we had a couple of old Volvos, the cute little round ones. Then a gray Chevy Nova, a green Subaru Legacy station wagon, a maroon Subaru Forester, and now a blue Subaru Forester. I have probably forgotten at least one.

    1. I'm actually considering a Subaru Outback to replace my flex. I want something a little smaller. Not for awhile though.

      My nova steamed up the front window year round. Always had to have a towel handy.

  4. I got my first car when I was 25. Hmmm, let's see if I can remember the list:

    1 - 1976 Datsun 710, used
    2 - a Mazda, can't remember its year but it was my first NEW car
    3 - 1992 Toyota Tercel, I drove this one into the ground!
    4 - 2013 Toyota Yaris

    1. Those toyotas run and run. It might be my next one after I kill this flex.

  5. My very first car was a rust colored Pontiac Astre. After that a white Pontiac Sunbird. After that there are too many to remember. A navy blue Monte Carlo, a tiny little tan car I can't remember the make or model, a turquoise Trans Am with T tops, a bright blue Ford Tempo, a blue Ford Mustang, a blsck truck, a green Dodge Caravan, A burgundy conversion van(my personal favorite), a tan Excursion, A dark gray Nissan Exterra, a green truck, and now a black Nissan Pathfinder. Good Lord, but my husband likes to buy cars. This is awful, humbling and embarrassing especially since I know I am forgetting a few. Two years ago I told him NO MORE!! I want to drive this car I have til the wheels fall off. I am tired of car payments!

    1. My gosh!!!! You've had a ton of them. No wonder you forget a few.


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