Meeting New People

The Boy Scout and I went golfing yesterday afternoon. We sometimes use an app that will have last minute discounts. As my schedule can be pretty flexible, it works out nice. I'm not sure if you know this but golf is an expensive sport!!

When you use these discounts apps, you will often times get paired up with someone else that has used the same app. Yesterday was no exception and while we enjoy our time alone, it is fun to get to know new people and, perhaps, get challenged to play a little better than normal.

When arriving at the 1st tee, there were two gentlemen warming up. They were of Asian descent and were speaking to each other in their mutual language. As is custom, we introduce ourselves before teeing off. Since we are about to spend at least 4 hours together it is nice to start of friendly. We were playing with Dong and Quan and, to be specific, they are Korean.

Dong, an acupuncturist, and his friend Quan turned out to be wonderful golfing partners. They were excellent sports and laughed at each other a ton. Every time anyone hit a pretty good shot, Dong and Quan, in unison, would call out "Gud Shot."  Dongs equipment, clothing and sunglasses were top of the line, Quans looked like a hand me down collection but they both seemed to enjoy themselves immensely.

Dong was a strong golfer, i.e., the man could send the ball some distance. But as the Boy Scout always tells me, it's all in the short game and he was right. Dong could out-drive the Boy Scout by leaps and bounds but his short game was no match.  "Nice Putttttt!".  I would love to see these guys again one day.

 It was another great day of life♥


  1. I'm glad you had fun. I'm so introvert, I think I would have trouble spending 4 hours with strangers!
    It's nice to see a picture of you and The Boy Scout. Why do you call him that?

    1. So, Birdie, I too am quite introverted. Afterwards I definitely need time to decompress but the man is a complete extrovert and that helps a ton.

      The Boy Scout is a bit tongue-in-cheek. He is fairly far from a boy scout but he likes to think of himself that way; a good guy but with a rather colorful past ;)

  2. You took down the post about a boy and his dog. I take back what I said about the dog belonging with you. He belongs to the boy. Without a doubt.

    1. I did!!! I realized it is not my right to post a picture of someone else's son. They are getting on famously. Torrey is growing to love her and Rosee is flourishing♥


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