
My youngest and I were talking the other day. One of those rare times, just her and I, talking about anything and everything. We are both looking forward to her brothers visit in a few days, discussing how it will go. We talked about the last time we spent a few hours together, doing errands, shopping and lunch. It was a good time. Out of the blue she mentioned how much she missed her sister. It felt a little like a punch in the gut. There are times where it seems as it is a dream, that my oldest is 1,100 miles away and not in the next town, and that I will wake up, call her and say, “You want to go to lunch?” My youngest said what a comforting a presence her sister has. How easy she is to be around. I got it. My oldest is purposeful about her interactions with others, careful and intentional. Fiercely loving. Additionally, she lets everyone know that she is a mama bear. No one messes with her siblings. Not even me. The discomfort of missing her is offset by the knowl...