
My youngest and I were talking the other day. One of those rare times, just her and I, talking about anything and everything. We are both looking forward to her brothers visit in a few days, discussing how it will go. We talked about the last time we spent a few hours together, doing errands, shopping and lunch. It was a good time. 

Out of the blue she mentioned how much she missed her sister. It felt a little like a punch in the gut. There are times where it seems as it is a dream, that my oldest is 1,100 miles away and not in the next town, and that I will wake up, call her and say, “You want to go to lunch?”  

My youngest said what a comforting a presence her sister has. How easy she is to be around. I got it. My oldest is purposeful about her interactions with others, careful and intentional. Fiercely loving. Additionally, she lets everyone know that she is a mama bear. No one messes with her siblings. Not even me. 

The discomfort of missing her is offset by the knowledge that she seems quite happy where she is. And isn’t that what we all want for our be happy?


  1. awwwwwwwwwww, don't you all look adorable! zoom and phone chats can take away the distance. but there is nothing like an in-person touch!

  2. Love this post. I think everyone looks so happy!

  3. Being together is a nice feeling. Our daughter is in Oregon and we are happy for her, she's living where she always wanted to and is happy and content. We miss her but she's communicates regularly.

    1. The fact that she is so happy makes all the difference, doesn’t it?

  4. Such sweeties you have, all grown up!

  5. Our daughter is literally half a world away, but she is in 'her' place, so we're so happy for her. She is where she belongs and that's so important. We were grateful that she was able to visit us here in Ireland just before the lockdowns started. She left for home on the day our first restrictions were announced.

    1. That was a lucky turn of events.

      I know she loves the state she lives in. One 4th of my heart is there too and he is doing really well.

  6. My middle daughter lives 600 miles away and has for the last nine years. I still miss her but it's her life. I'm glad you still have one close by.

  7. Such sweet images. We do miss our kids when they move away but they have to live their lives. Thank goodness for so many ways to communicate these days.

  8. I love this. How wonderful that they care about and miss each other. And what lovely young women. Love the photo of you three. Those smiles!


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