I Think Therefore I ..............

I do love YouTube. It has some great content when one wants to feel good or indulge in some non-thinking time. Kittens and puppies playing, a vast catalog of music, background noise of nature or city streets, there is something for everyone who wants to turn their brain off.

One the other hand, it has an impressive list of videos that can really challenge one to think. One of my favorite sites is Intelligence Squared. I can listen to the more prominent issues of the day debated by experts in their fields, allowing me to hear a more in depth discussion of the facts and then have those "facts" debated by the other side.

On a lighter side, right now I am enjoying their culture series which debates subjects like:

Dickens vs Tolstoy

Verdi vs Wagner

Greece vs Rome

Brave New World vs 1984

It's lovely to hear the opening arguments by the experts as to where they found their passion for their particular subject. So much enthusiasm, it is infectious. After receiving some context and insight from the experts, actors, well known and not so well known, read from selected sections. 

Currently I am listening to Jane Austen vs Emily Bronte:

If you haven't seen it, check it out. 


  1. I'm currently watching the TV mini-series adaptation of "Brave New World" so once that's over, I'm going to check out the debate of BNW v 1984! Thanks for the tip!

  2. Thanks for the information, Linda. I have been trying to stay busy to distract myself from the world news these days. I will check out I S.

  3. Love certain podcasts and you tube--this looks like a great channel. Thanks!

  4. I'll have to check out the Bronte-Austen. Interesting idea.


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