Saying Goodbye

 The car is back!

The cops found it the night it was stolen. They decided to GPS it for a little while instead of returning it right away. Glad they felt that was their option (yes I am being sarcastic). It is an old car with a lot of miles but that doesn't mean it isn't important to the owner. It was gone for 4 days.

It was in pretty good shape but they stole a 30 year collection of CD's. The Boy Scout loves his music in a way that I have trouble understanding. He had, only a few weeks before, cleaned out his two or three boxes of CD's and purchased some large cases to hold them all. He was in the process of listening, one by one, getting rid of the ones that had scratches. All in all, 3 or 4 hundred CD's that included but was not limited to:

Everything by Elton John, Dire Straits, Elvis Costello, Mark Knopfler, Paul Simon, David Lindley, Allison Krause Genesis, Diana Krall and James McMurtry. Loads of 70's and 80's best, rock, folk, southern rock, hard, soft....his tastes are wide and eclectic.

Boy Scout is 6 years older than me, so his coming of age music is different than mine. Still, we share the 80's which is a lot of fun. If a song comes on that we can't name the band, our fall back is always Thompson Twins.

He's introduced me to music I had never heard before. Some have taken up a place in my heart like the sweetness of John Prine or Amos Lee and others I can live without ever hearing again like:

  • Roxy Music
  • Anything metal
  • Ozzy
  • Little Feat

All that being said, I am sad for my guy. It sucks to lose something you love.


  1. I am so sorry that the Boy Scout lost his music collection. Those songs are the soundtrack of our lives. They all conjure up old stories and memories. I hope he can put together a nice long list and rebuild. And yes, your list of music you can live without looks just like mine!
    Glad you got the car back.

  2. I feel so sad reading this. Getting the car back is great but the loss of a lifetime’s worth of music would be hard to take.

  3. Too bad about the CDs, but at least the car is home safe and sound!

  4. How odd to hear they followed them for awhile first. I am not sure I understand that logic.
    As for his music, God I understand Tommy. Maybe because the decade we grew up in music was the world. Music spoke of the unrest, the political issues not just love. I don't know but I'd love to know. I wrote today about dividing up my albums in my divorce was the ONLY thing we fought about. Imagine that! So here I am with a few hundred LP's with nothing to play them on and I know I must rid my home of them for my downsizing move. But it is the most painful thing for me to get rid of. I don't get it either but honestly I'll give up anything easier than my albums. This may need to be something for me to bring up in therapy. LOL Boy Scout and I may need a 12 step progam Linda.

  5. Wow, such a major lost. I had a huge music collection that I sold off before I moved and now everything is digitized. I miss the physical piece but now I buy music online. I'm not as fussy as I used to be. I hope he can replace some of his music. Every now and then I go to the library and get some music that I like and then digitize it.
    You don't like Roxy Music, how about Byran Ferry as a solo artist. The guy has an incredible voice. Wishing the Boy Scout better music days, have a nice day and stay safe.

  6. How maddening! Covid spurred our governor to release a major number of prisoners from ajils and prisons. We are run over with transients and daily warnings to not leave anything visible in our vehicles. Makes me mad I can't leave CD's or my art supplies in car.

  7. If I had any of those to pass on, I would. Actually, I do have Little Feat but I'm thinking you'd rather that stay stolen. Let me know if you want it!


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