Front Porch

I believe in the magic of the front porch.  

It’s outside, a place to relax, a dining room, and it’s an open door to the neighborhood, or more importantly, the neighbors. As we build our community, we are lucky that our neighbors are a part of it. Neither I, nor the Boy Scout, have much family nearby so the importance of having people we love and can count on is critical.  

On the front porch we sit, enjoy the weather, let the dogs explore, greet anyone walking by and, best yet, read out loud. Or rather he reads to me. Right now we are reading The Brothers K. It is about family, faith and baseball, a touching and very funny story. I highly recommend it with the footnote that my opinion is based on the book being read out loud, which can change things a bit, and also the with the knowledge that because it has made the Boy Scout laugh heartily, and even wheeze for air a few times, that I may be finding more humorous because he does. Its hard to say. 

Now, back to the porch......recently, near the end of the day, I went in to bathe. Leaving the man sitting in his porch chair. I came out later to find a man party in progress. 6 or 7 of the neighbor guys got together, scrounging their kitchens for nuts, chips and drinks, I think there might have been a small cheese plate. It was pretty awesome. 

Cheers to the front porch and all its potential.


  1. if that is your front porch, it IS inviting! a man party - how cool!

    1. It is! A bit messy but I kind of like it that way.

  2. Nothin' better than sittin' on the stoop as they say in the East. We do it daily and it's a fun way to see people and get together.

    1. One day we will "sit on the stoop" together!

  3. You are lucky! There are lots of unfriendly neighbours in this world too.

  4. Such a charming porch! And love that election sign!

    1. Thank you thank you. The sign was a perfectly thought out birthday gift.

  5. I love the sign, it's so true. Fromt porches are great spots to people watch.

  6. That's your porch? It's enchanting. I don't have a porch and if I did, I think I'd like it to look just like this one! Love the sign, too!

    1. It is and thank you very much. You may not have a porch but, for part of the year, you have a lake, which is quite fabulous.


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