Did You Say The "S" Word?

When I look back to all that has happened in the last 5 to 10 years, I try to give myself a break when I falter, mistrust and fall short of my goals. It's not an easy thing to do because sitting before me, clear as day, I see that there is a better way to live, to behave, to respond. Frequently, however, even after much consideration and contemplation, the old reactions spew forth their ugliness. covering up, like a bandage, the feelings of out of control, vulnerability, hurt and perhaps stupidity. It is, somehow, so much easier to be angry than to cry and say "that hurts" or "I can't trust you" or "I feel stupid". Ohhhhh, I said it, didn't I? The dirty little "S" word. How many times in the past year did I ask, out-loud or to myself, "How stupid could I have been?" I wouldn't even begin to try and count. Who else in the wide world would not have known that the one person that was suppose to be closest to my heart w...