Who Is Large and In Charge in Your Life?

I've been neglecting my blog for awhile, but for interesting reason. The past couple of weeks the old ruler, King Fear, was large and in charge. Insidiously, he crept back in through cracks in my armor. Starting out small with doubts and questions, slowly taking over when bigger issues came to surface. I was busy in my program and working and loving but with an edginess.  I woke yesterday morning realizing I was not walking in faith and I was worrying about the future I have no control over and I was taking things personally.  A very bad combination.

I had my morning talk with God that usually consists of being a whole lot of grateful and then I went to work. While there, I pulled out some great resources that help me to reconnect to the new me and started to put God back in charge. Worries of the future disappear and my higher power reminds me that when the people around me let me down or disappoint, it is not because I'm not enough.  It's not about me. 

He reminds me that He created me to love, abundantly, freely and joyously. I can't do that when King Fear is in town. He's gone for now and I feel amazingly Grateful.


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