This Just In

One of the more moving memorials that we went to during our visit to the Normandy area was the Memorial des reporters de Bayeux. In this rather stark garden setting are lists of the more than 2,000 journalists killed in the line of duty around the world since 1944. 

It was heartbreaking to see each year summarized on cold marble, the lives taken, in one way or another, while attempting to do their job. 

Starting out, there were very few names. But the names grew exponentially as civil wars, regime takeovers, war in Korea etc. 

This memorial is even more poignant at a time when the rhetoric being spewed by some world leaders makes the lives of journalists everywhere  more precarious than they already are.

One may only taste freedom when others around us are free ~Beauvoir


  1. A worthy memorial I have not heard of before.

  2. I am happy to hear there is a memorial such as this for those brave journalists.

  3. "when the rhetoric being spewed by some world leaders makes the lives of journalists everywhere more precarious than they already are."
    Truer words never spoken.
    Thank you Linda, this was moving

  4. Sad truth today. Reporters are not safe in the world. Thanks for sharing Linda.


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