It's OK Not To Know

The melancholy that has settled in during the holidays for the last 5 or 6 years has descended like a light mist. It’s become a bit of an old friend I suppose. I’ve decided not to fight it overly much. 

My boy left for the Bay Area after a few days visit, I’ll see him in another month. How are we supposed to get used to saying goodbye? 

The Joy that once filled my heart when putting up Christmas lights the day after Thanksgiving is muted & somewhat jagged. Perhaps it’s partially because of a dream put away or maybe a bit because thanksgiving wasn’t really an easy holiday this year. Don’t get me wrong the food was good and it was great to see the people I love but it was complicated. Complicated by my wrist being broken and by a relationship in transition. I’m growing… my soul is maturing, healing and part of me just wonders if I’m where I’m supposed to be. I don’t have to have the answers now, it’s OK. But I kind of wish I did.

This is just today. Tomorrow will be better.


  1. Tomorrow is always another day and thank goodness for that, sometimes.

  2. Eventually a tomorrow will lighten up your day. Unfortunately, all we can do is wait and stay positive.

  3. The holidays can be hard. Hang in the Linda!

  4. Thank goodness for tomorrows. A chance to start again. Sending you hugs xo

  5. What's making you wonder? If you could be anywhere else in the whole world, where would you rather be? When you close your eyes and breathe deeply and dream of a favorite place, where would you be? (Oh and p.s.-none of us have any answers now and praise be that that IS ok!)

  6. The longing you express for possible change is what inspires change to happen. So you are on the journey. The holidays and changing relationships can bring up so many feelings. Adjusting is not always easy and a broken wrist, yikes, that changes things.

    Thank you for sharing that my photography inspires you to look closer. I find that when I do that I get present and all else falls away. A holy experience. And I have found so much mystery and beauty in the small details. So lovely and also helpful in ways I did not guess before.
    Sending you light on your journey.

  7. When you have all the answers could you share?


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