Return The Kindness

My #3 child is still working abroad. She and her partner live in England somewhere near Manchester. The company she works for is an Oregon based company that provides medical and dental insurance for the citizens of this and 3 other states.

When she started at this company about 6 years ago she worked with an older gent who left within the first year of her employment. They did not have a ton of interaction but they were on friendly terms.

The other day, quite out of the blue, my daughter received an email from this person. They reached out, wishing her well, and letting her know how very sorry he is for how the LGBTQIA+ community is being treated by the current government. Letting her know he is on her side. 

I think we are going to need to do a lot of that from this point on. For the brown skinned people in our communities, who must be living in fear, for the LGBTQIA+ community, who has no idea what is in store for them in regards to passports, bathrooms, their names, their positions at work etc.

I wish I could thank him for his simple note that warmed her heart. Then I realized, the best way to thank him would be to pay it forward. to reach out, to walk beside. I can make a difference by showing up with love.


  1. What a wonderful gesture of care and concern! The LGBTQ+ community definitely needs all the allies and support it can get right now, shown not only for individuals, but also in speaking out publicly against government and other instigators of hate, backlash and removal against the advances we have made. We are counting on our families, friends and allies not to be silent.

  2. It's such a terrifying world for me right now, even as an older white woman. I can only imagine the despair and fear that others must feel. :(

  3. That is absolutely wonderful. Clearly, a good and kind (and wise) man.

  4. The change we see from here is frightening. It must be so scary for so many in the U.S. these days. Others supporting and walking with them will help!


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