From The Ground Up

The Boy Scout and I worked in the garden this weekend. Looks a bunch better plus it felt good just to get outside with my thoughts and with this little piece of land that belongs to us. 

I have an aversion to jade plant. It stems from childhood and is no less fixed today than the first day I discovered my dislike, which was probably at 6 or 7 years old. My garden has a number of very old jade plants and although I feel a little guilty, I just keep cutting them back and back, until I am sure they will mush away. The base of one of them has got to be 24 inches round and stems just keep popping up. But, honestly, I am way more tenacious than a jade plant. Got a long way to go out there but one thing at a time and until this bathroom is finished the yard can thing at a time.

The new master bath is, at long last, moving along. I picked out my new tub (with bubbles) and a toilet. Flooring and vanity next.

Boy Scout digging out crawl space
Footing frames

New footing
My new slider ;)
View from my small patio

I envy people who can build something like this out of nothing. In my next life I may be a construction worker. 

Looking forward to christening my new bathtub. Meanwhile, have a fantastic Tuesday.


  1. I agree about envying builders. How satisfying (and empowering) it must be to feel you could build something like this. Very exciting.

  2. Nothing better than a relaxing bath after a long day of working in the garden! Soon, very soon.

    1. Yes ma'am. It's been a good long while. Cannot wait to get back to doing one of my very favorite activities.

  3. It's interesting how we have aversions to things. I love jade plants because my grandfather grew them. One of my aversions? Spoon collections. I have no idea why they anger me but they do. I see them when I am at work in clients homes and I glare at them.
    I am looking forward to your new addition. How exciting!
    A bath with bubbles is an absolute must.

    1. Hahahaha....spoons. Isn't it funny how we all have these little things that often times we don't even know why?


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