Rain, Rain Don't Go Away

Nothing to say, bruised and battered (figuratively)

So I will be grateful:
  1. for the desire to change.
  2. for the knowledge that I am not crazy.
  3. for this incredible rain.
  4. for my conscience that tells me right from wrong.
  5. for the hard work I've done to get where I am.
  6. when the knot in my stomach eases.
  7. for remembering I have the ability to take care of myself. 
  8. for my body that encapsulates my soul and keeps me moving
  9. for a silly dog that can make me smile in bad times.
  10. for Mexican Food!!!
  11. the rain again.
  12. loving and wonderful kids.
  13. for Jacuzzis
  14. for a flawed man.
  15. for a good counselor.
  16. for the reminder that "GRATEFUL"  can change the day.
  17. did I mention rain?
So the knot is smaller, more manageable. Have yourself a great day.


  1. Yay for silly dogs! They are healers. Silly cats too.

    1. I am not currently a cat owner and the one cat I would like to have just left this world a little bit sadder for his leaving. But thank goodness for of loving animal family members.

  2. A smaller, more manageable knot. That is good stuff!

  3. I know you guys are inundated with the rain... but RAIN, man! That stuff can heal a body and soul too. Just the smell of it can fix me right up!

    1. No complaints. My yard is a bit of a pond but keep it coming. The lakes are blessedly starting to fill up again. It is a soothing thing, rain ☔️

  4. I have a jacuzzi, just a small on, fits two people. But, oh. I love it! And I love it!

    I am waiting for that same knot to loosen.

    1. I got to this late. Here's to hoping you knot, if not gone completely, is diminished in size. Have a great Saturday.


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