Prayers vs. Fears

As I went back over my blog, I noticed a definite theme. Working my program, failing to work my program, working my program, failing to work my program. Looking at the big picture, I know what the problem is. I have faith in God, I know that I was created by God and that he cares for me but the fact of the matter is that God is really busy and might overlook a situation that is important to me. Lack of faith. FEAR. Fear still rules in my life at times. And, truthfully, though I want it to change, I'm not too hard on myself. I learned to survive with fear and there were times that it probably served me well; protected me. A lifetime of behavior does not change over night. Sadly, I can still call up reasons to fear; like when loved ones are behaving in self destructive ways or when they are hurting me with words or actions. Those are the times I need to give it up to God. Where is the line in the sand though? Where do we say "God I give this to you" or "Fu...