Knowing or Learning

A beautiful world opens up when you keep an open mind.

The past few months I have really been challenged to think a different way. I won't go through all the ways, as I've probably covered many of them ad nauseam, but a couple I have chosen to share are a bit of surprise to me and a feeling of vulnerability about the first one is quite interesting. So, here goes...

First, I got drunk for the first time in my 52 year life.  It was interesting, dizzying and quite funny but I felt a little under the weather the next day and so, when all is said and done, good enough. My Boy Scout was sweet to sit with me, tolerate my silliness and then get me home, all while making me feel safe and knowing that someone was in control (You Al-Anons and ADA's know exactly what I am talking about). Additionally, he seemed to think I was quite funny and it was nice to sit across from him and see a big smile and, occasionally, let go with his huge, deep from the gut laugh that I love so much.

Next, Boy Scout and I have been to a few concerts lately.  He has a tremendous love of music and had purchased tickets months ago. I, on the other hand, am not too fussed about music, don't love large crowds and, as I have bi-lateral hearing loss, have to deal with repercussions of loud noises and hearing aids. Trying to keep an open mind, I went to the first, which was Diana Krall, and enjoyed it fine. I may have fallen asleep for a little while...not sure. The second was another matter....I was not looking forward to it for a number of reasons. It was Mark Knopfler and I was told it would be a lot of instrumental. Was pleasantly surprised to enjoy it a bunch,

Finally, Golf.  Former thoughts ran from boring, stupid, lazy and pretentious etc....   Now....wish I had started when I was young.

Golf is deceptively simple and endlessly complicated; it satisfies the soul and frustrates the intellect. It is at the same time rewarding and maddening - and it is without a doubt the greatest game mankind has ever invented.
- Arnold Palmer

I don't know about the greatest game ever but I am really enjoying myself, surrounded by beautiful scenery and friendly people.  Who would have thought?

Keeping an open mind has definitely improved my life and allowed me to love a little less hampered and care for others more sincerely and enter into new situations more readily. I also want to get back to the place of beginner, knowing there is always something I can learn from another, even if that "another" is an adult child, a 3 year old French Bulldog named Sophie or a 58 year old Boy Scout.


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