How About That Journey?

Early morning praising and thanking and mediation starts the day out perfectly.  Whether life is running smoothly or if the road is rocky and hard, my day is always better if I ground myself, first thing, in gratitude.

The mornings I forget, or those mornings where I am in so much turmoil that I just don't, lack something special. Clarity and a joyfulness that comes by just being authentically grateful for the life I have been given is missing.

As I make my thankful list, I try hard to not constantly list the obvious......I am consistently grateful for each of my children and the roof over my head. The comfortable bed I am laying in is often the first on the list. I love my bed, with its abundance of pillows cushioning my curves and pointy places and my aches and pains. After that, I try to be aware of the many things I take for yard with its crazy array of palms and ferns and tropical this and that, my garage that was suitable enough to house my oldest boy for the time being, the one bathroom that takes care of the entire house, the friends that come in and out of my life, the difficult people that cause me to grow in uncomfortable ways. Hot water, the beach, the beautiful head of hair I inherited from my father. I also list the man in my life. This grateful can be tough because this person occasionally leaves me feeling bewildered and unsettled. Did God really think that my eyes needed to be opened this wide....turning my all my black and whites into shades of grays? Delight and happiness are woven with struggles of anger, disquiet and doubt. Still, I see an amazing person with a unique life story that adds a tremendous amount of joy to my life. Hopefully, I do the same for him.

Daily I try to remember to be thankful for the tough things happening now and that have happened in the past. I remain grateful for the Secret Keeper. His attempts to keep his life in order make mine and our kids life a little more peaceful. I pray that I can help him someway too but with really good boundaries so that I do not give him hope for something that will never happen.

Peaceful or not, God is in control and I will embrace, as best I can, this wonderful journey.


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