In A Fog

The past couple of days I’ve had a sense of dis-ease. I’ve wanted to get out. Do something new. Get into nature. But it’s on the chilly side and Boy Scout has not been all that well.

Two of my sisters (plus one husband) might be moving this direction. They’re retired for 2 or 3 years now but they’ve been waiting for Boogie (a 31 year old horse) to pass before relocating. Boogie went to the stable in the sky just before Christmas so relocation is the next step. They may end up in Sequim, Washington but that is only 3 or 4 hours away so I’d be happy with that. It beats 15 hours any day of the week. They may also be here in Portland which would be super. Either way, I just want them to be happy. 

I’m sitting in a deep fog and, to be honest, it’s pressing down on me. Maybe a hot bath will help dissipate its somber effect on my mood. 

Life is still good. This too belongs. 


  1. It's nice to have family nearby (especially as we age) but only if everyone gets along pretty well.

  2. Hope you feel better soon. Living closer to family would be lovely!

  3. Hoping for better health! Sequim is lovely.


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