The Driving Force

This is where I developed my love of driving. Meet Susan. 1979 Datsun B210.

Bad blog look. Too much time on my hands.

It's been fine being home except for some cabin fever. We go a lot, just seeing new parts of the city, exploring the countryside, but I am not confident in the snow and ice. I find that I am chiding myself to not give in to fear. I love driving. 

My car has not been out for days and I am playing the "If only I had bought that all-wheel drive" tune in my head, as if that is what is holding me back.

I just don't like being afraid to get behind the wheel. It's just a little weather.


  1. I get cabin fever yet I'm not confident in the snow/ice driving either. So, I usually choose the former!

  2. I don't know what kind of weather you are having but there are different driving techniques shall we say, in different weather. I've lived in big time snow (think buffalo) that is a learning experience for certain, but once down you've got it. Blinding rain is a bad one for me over snow and ice. But neither are fun. But I have learned to adapt, I just don't like it. lol

  3. I don’t drive a lot but I enjoy getting out on my own sometimes! Take care and enjoy!

  4. Love the new blog look. I've lived in Illinois my entire life. Driving in snow and ice is an integral part of our lives. I am fearless as long a I have 4 wheel drive.

  5. Sometimes getting out and about on foot is a better option. The weather we've had lately here in Portland makes driving an unnecessary risk. Plus, it will be rain again soon and all the ice will go away. Then you can cruise to your heart's content!
    (Love the Datsun! What a blast from the past!)


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